Charity draws smiles on its face

Charity draws smiles on its face

Available: all year-round

Recommended number of participants: 10 to 100

Location: anywhere (for charity we always finds a location where they need your help)

Duration: half-day or full-day program, depending on your preferences

Focus: teamwork, mutual cooperation, encouragement of mutual assistance

Recommended: to anyone who likes to help people

Socializing and different types of encouragement of colleagues and business partners to carry out charity-oriented projects is more and more important every day. Companies that are aware of this they are trying to organise various of charity events. It is an input to the people, an input into to our future.

We are convinced that you have done a lot of charity in your life and you want more of this kind of challenge. That is why we have quite a few suggestions for you. Don't worry, we'll take care of everything. You will have all the necessary tools and experts to guide you through the workflows.

Give us a call or contact us via email to work out which kind of charity works best for you.